Virtualization, Cloud & Application Performance Mangement
Bernd Harzog is the CEO of APM Experts. APM Experts helps vendors in the modern application and infrastructure cloud monitoring space improve their product and marketing strategies, and helps customers acquire the monitoring solutions that best meet their needs.
Instana Invests in the Present of Code Diagnostics and the Future of Observability
Instana has announced the acquisition of BeeInstant (a real-time metrics analysis platform), StackImpact (a production polyglot application code profiler), and Signify a future solution to provide insight into complex system signals. The acquisitions of BeeInstant and...
Rest in Peace ADDM, CMDB, ITIL and Event Management
ADDM, the CMDB, ITIL and Event Management have become legacy technologies at the hands of dynamic applications, Agile, DevOps, CI/CD and Kubernetes.
Observability Is About the Data
Observability should mean that we have the data – the logs, metrics, traces, flows and dependencies to understand the behavior of the application system of interest. Unfortunately there is no one source of all of this data for each application which is where things get complicated.
The Gaps in Observability
Gaps in Observability exist with applications, networks and the public clouds. Therefore true full stack Observability is currently impossible.
The Changing Physics and Economics of Monitoring
New Relic has just announced New Relic One and a focus upon “entity-centric observability”. The idea is that the set of things that need to be monitored is exploding at an exponential rate, requiring not just metrics from all of these things, but an understanding of how they relate to each other.
The War Between Amazon, Microsoft, Google, and VMware for the Enterprise Cloud Platform
VMware dominates the market for on-premise enterprise cloud platforms. But now you can run VMware vSphere on AWS, Azure, or Google hardware. Similarly you can run the AWS and Azure cloud platform software in on-premise hardware. This is an unprecedented level of cooperation and competition between the four major cloud platform vendors.
Reinventing Application Performance Management Again
Wily Technology was launched in 1998 to instrument monoliths running on J2EE application servers. AppDynamics, Dynatrace, and New Relic were invented to monitor first generation distributed N-Tier and SOA applications. Now the application architecture is shifting to microservices – disrupting the APM industry again.